Tallow Skincare

Introducing a new line of tallow skincare...made from Alderspring beef by Linnaea and Annie, 2 of the Elzinga sisters!

Synthetic harmful chemicals have become common in modern skincare products. Natural bioavailable oils like tallow have been used for centuries in many cultures. If it isn’t broken, why fix it?

Beef tallow has been shown to be compatible with human skin due to its similarity to the oils that our skin naturally produces. Tallow is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. For example, it contains Vitamin D (protects skin from damage), Vitamin A (promotes regeneration), Vitamin E (an antioxidant), Vitamin K (promotes healing of skin conditions such as acne or wounds), and fatty acids (moisturize skin).

This is the only skincare product we use! We use tallow every day to heal sunburns, moisturize dry skin, reduce acne, and as ointment on cuts.

More scents available soon!